Sunday, February 12, 2006

the first of many Roller Derby posts

With the revival of roller derby in Texas over the past few years, Amy has always wanted to take part. Unfortunately, due to her unpredictable work schedule, she's relagted to the sidelines. However, one of her friends and cowowrkers (who has a position that let's her get out on tiem every day) has just become involved with a local league, the Assassination City Derby. Tonight was their final exhibition match, and the first that our friend "Smackajawea" (aka number $1.00), was skating in. The matches are held at Dad's Broadway Skateland out in mesquite, which is a virtual time machine back to the 1950's, very cool.

The derby action was fast and furious and it should be fun to watch as the regular season starts up and the group is split into their teams and rivalries develop. These girls are tough. More as the season progresses.


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