Sunday, December 18, 2005

Christmas Party... wow

The polar opposite to my office holiday party is the Christmas Party thrown by Amy's employer. They booked the Gypsy Tearoom Ballroom for the annual dinner, Christmas Video viewing, secret Santa exchange (not Yankee Swap) and office cover band show. Dinner was excellent with six cozy tables set up in front of the ballroom stage where I've seen bands ranging from Jimmy Eat World to They Might be Giants to The Polyphonic Spree to The Hives play. Tonight, after the hilarious Christmas video, the stage was graced by Amy and her coworkers belting out a smattering of rock tunes. My sympathies to the professional sound guys who were working the gig but they did get their share of the freely flowing refreshments from the bar. It was a smashing affair with the low point being an ill-fated cover of "If I Had $1,000,000" and the last half hour or so when several spouses and employees who had imbibed heavily began to drop like flies. It was epic.


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