Run 18
Treadmill - 1% slope
3 miles - 24:59
It was a dark and stormy night...
Treadmill - 1% slope
We celebrated Amy's birthday a bit early tonight by heading to the palatial new Cowboys Stadium in Arlington to see Paul McCartney in concert. Although the sound in cavernous stadium is a bit muddy with lots of echoes, and the huge overhead display screen didn't fire up untl the final few songs (not sure if that was intentional or not), Amy was all smiles at the conclusion of the show. This will probably always rank up there as one of the top concerts I've ever been to. He is, after all, one-quarter of The Beatles!
Treadmill - 1% slope
Well it is official. We're signed up to run a the Rock-n-Roll Las Vegas half marathon in December to raise money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (aka the charity for my illness).
I was about 16 miles into my run tonight when the treadmill suddenly came to a dead stop and the display went completely blank. A I catapulted forward toward the handles at the front of the machine, I noticed that the treadmills on either side of me had ground to halt as well with their users equally disturbed. I guess we must have blown a breaker or something as they were the only three machines that seemed to be having any difficulty.
Treadmill - 1% slope