Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Today I returned to the dentist to have a cavity filled. It's my second filling ever and this one was relatively painless compared to the first that's to the spray on topical anesthetic that numbed my gums and cheek before the dentist got the needle out.

At the same time, Amy had two wisdom teeth removed. I was somewhat disappointed by the lack of agony on her part. It was almost as if nothing happened at the dentist at all with the annoying gauze causing the most frustration and leading to the most grumbling. I guess she was fortunate that her two wisdom teeth had already grown in straight, so they didn't really have to cut down into anything to extract them at an odd angle. She still ate the jello and banana pudding I made her and acted cute which made me feel good.

I'm going over to check on her in a bit. I rescued a plant from Kroger for her that I hope she likes and stays alive for at least a week.


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