Friday, June 17, 2005

Batman Begins

Tonight the usual suspects were rounded up to go see Batman Begins. I really enjoyed the movie and it was interesting to see the story of Bruce Wayne becoming Batman played out on the big screen, not to mention a pre-Commissioner status Commissioner Gordon as the only honest cop in Gotham. The movie has less of the early comic book campiness that pops up in the other Batman films (more so in B&R and Forver than the original Batman and Batman Returns) and comes across more along the lines of modern comic books, which tend to be darker and edgier than their 50s and 60s predecessors. Amy, who is a conessieur of all things Batman, gave the movie her rating of "awesome". I would agree to that but still reserve my top slot for Batman Returns, which will always untouchable unless a new actress in a new movie can outdo Michelle Pfeiffer in the role of Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman. (I'm not even going to get started on that imposter of a Catwoman movie...) When Pfeiffer as Selina is first seen in her sinful black catsuit and her sultry voice says, "I don't know about you Miss Kitty, but I feel... so... much... yummier", I think my journey through puberty that started with Pfeiffer in The Fabulous Baker Boys was completed. Okay, maybe it wasn't quite that powerful of a moment but that and the scene where Catwoman licks Batman's face and the general heated cat and mouse nature of the relationship that develops between the two will be seared into my brain long after the lukewarm Katie Holmes performance has faded from memory.


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