Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Let It Be

What do the following bands have in common?

The Get Up Kids
Ultimate Fakebook
The Anniversary

They are all bands I enjoy that broke up, went on semi-permanent hiatus or pretty much stopped making music all together during the past year or so.

The beauty of a CD album is that it is a moment captured and frozen in time forever. The voices never get any older or less inspired, they are just as you heard on your first listen, for better or for worse. So they never really do go away do they? After all, there are dozens of bands on my iPod that never even existed during my lifetime. So I am left to appreciate what I have and only wonder what the future of these bands might have held...

And in an effort to keep The Deathray Davies from joining this list, go buy their new CD, "The Kick and The Snare". It is awesome... CD money well spent.


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