Sunday, October 16, 2005

Rolling Again and Two for the Money

Don't ever get hanmburger patties from Central Market. They'll ruin regular supermarket patties for you forever. We had some at Rodney and Stephanie baby shower number two last night and they were soooo good. Normally I can eat two burgers at a barbecue, but not these, one was just too filling.

Friday night Amy and I went and rolled at Don Carter Cityview lanes down in almost-Benbrook. It was good to go bowling again after a lengthy hiatus. Did I mention that last time out I spared the 7-10 split? :) There was considerable rust to knock off and break dancing teeny boppers on the next lane to avoid, but there were flashes of brillance interrupted by totally brutal frames, the kind where as soon as the ball leaves your hand you know it's going to be bad.

Saturday was get stuf done day. Sunday we played racquetball. Well I guess I should say that we chased the raquetball ball around the court for an hour. We played one real game and thanks to an end of game collapse on my part resulting in back-to-back aces, Amy won 15-12.

Later Sunday night we went to Milwaukee Joes for ice cream and then to the Rave Motion Pictures place at Northeast Mall to see Two for the Money. It was okay, nothing spectacular, nothing really bad. It started out really good but then when the central character goes on a skid of bad football picks, the movie kind of skids into a slump as well. It reminded me a bit of Glengarry Glen Ross in a way with all of the hard selling tactics, which is fitting since they both feature Al Pacino, a group of salesmen con artists, customers risking money, and a lot of machismo. Not nearly as effective, tense or stressful as GGR, but watered down version in the same general realm of movies.


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