Sunday, March 26, 2006

HotWater Blast in Houston

This weekend I trekked on down to Houston with soem other V-Dubbers for Hot Water Blast, what is arguably the largest watercooled VW show in the state. Over 90 cars were at the show, with plenty of heavily modified GTIs and Jettas and four New Beetles besides mine, including one that had been converted to all-wheel drive and had an APR Stage III+ kit in the engine bay. That bug is nuts. It was even more impressive now that he has fixed soem dents and paint scratches and added some other styling mods. It still a ttal sleeper hwever. Needless to say he won the award for Best New Beetle. Jason (my NB friend that I rolled down there with) and I were shut out of the top 25. That was pretty surprising since Jason has completely tricked out his NB and has almost every bolt-on performance part for the 1.8T out there under the hood. This was the first show in over two years that he didn't win an award. Oh well, it was still a fun weekend, despite the sunburn and windburn. And I'm not even goign to get into the Saturday night antics before the show on Sunday. Nope, not even going to start on jumping into a freezing pool for Venezualean Bolivars. Not at all.


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